About Me

I’m a Chinese-Australian undergraduate reading Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) at Merton College, University of Oxford. Perhaps in character for a PPEist, I am very curious about all things – I never seemed to grow out of asking …but why? – and I hope this website gives you a better idea of what I like to think about, and how I go about doing that.

Description of image
Me on Mt. Banks in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia

Before studying PPE, I did a fair amount of Maths and Physics, and dipped my toes into Informatics too (though judging by this website, it probably doesn’t look like it). I love planes, rockets, cars, and anything that moves quickly, and in an alternate universe would have become an engineer.

In my spare time I follow motorsports quite closely, from F1 to Rallying and Endurance Racing – the engineering and racing is too exciting! Otherwise, when I’m not scrolling Twitter for the latest race updates at my desk, I’m probably scrolling Twitter in bed, listening to music, rowing, hiking, or up in the air gliding.

Despite my apparent addiction to technology, I hold a special place in my heart for vintage (or mechanical, non-electronic) things: film cameras, fountain pens, mechanical watches, and (half jokingly) internal combustion engines.

Oh it also probably goes without saying I used to play a fair amount of video games; formerly I was a high-level Tetris player (Top 1000 globally), as well as not being too shabby in StarCraft (Diamond 3). While I’ve more or less recovered from the addiction because of the Oxford workload and leaving my PC at home, I suspect that might change over the Summer…

Contact Me

Here are some other places you can find/contact me:

All pictures on this website, unless otherwise stated, are my own. Even on posts that aren’t explicitly about photography or art, the images were chosen with some relevance and/or significance!